And then Steve, what are some objections you hear from Protestants to Catholics that you dont think are good? Regarding proof from scripture, for this dogma founder and senior fellow of Catholic Answers, Karl Keating wrote There is none, in his book, Catholicism and Fundamentalism understanding that these three Catholic Marian Dogmas contradict scripture has twofold importance. WHY PROTESTANT BIBLES ARE SMALLER: A Defense of the Protestant Old Testament Canon - Kindle edition by Christie, Steve. So Steve would probably say that, Well, Jesus has sins, but there our sins, not his sins. Okay. Okay, Trent. In fact, in the early church, it would be idolatry. . So these Marian Dogmas are not optional or fitting for the faithful Catholic to believe, but are required and binding to the Catholic to remain in good standing in communion with the Roman Catholic church, despite them all contradicting God breathed scripture. In week 1 vs. the Tennessee Titans, Christie went 3 for 4 on field-goal attempts (41, 42, & 33 yards). And if he had met sister-in-law, such as Marys sister in John chapter 19, he wouldve utilize the Greek word, [Greek 00:47:36] thats used in the book of Ruth to describe Orpahs relationship with Ruth. Mary doesnt take the place of Christ. Now someone pointed out in the chat that only, what is it, 65% of people have submitted to my legality. It does not show that. As an authorised Mesabi dealer and supplier of tube and shell . So the protestant reformers like Luther and Zwingly, did they believe Mary was a perpetual Virgin and were they committed to Sola scriptura? Maybe a little too much. But in his encyclical, [foreign language 00:20:13] Pope Pius the 12 said Mary is the new Eve who is free from all sin original or personal. Does the Bible say that Mary herself committed a personal sin or that she inherited original sin? But even at that, the Greek word for adelphi, in the Old Testament, when its used, its used even in a translation, not to mean anything other than a biological sister or a believing sister, like the sister nations of Israel and Judah. One other point that I would raise is that other arguments that Protestants use to try to show that Jesus had brothers simply dont work. Therefore Mary would not need to be assumed to heaven to keep her from seeing death if she were conceived sinless. Yes. Its [inaudible 01:14:35]. They shall mourn for him as one mourns for an only child and weep bitterly over him as one weeps over a firstborn. So the terms can both be used in interchangeably in that respect. Enoch and Elijah were assumed into heaven. Steve Christie: According to Robert Sungenis, president of Catholic Apologetics International, unlike Jesus Ascension assumptions in the Bible are under the power of God not the individual being assumed. Also death is not a sign of being a sinner, as Steve alluded to earlier. Trent, whenever you begin, Ill click the five minute timer. In order to show these dogma contradict scripture, Steve must do one of two things. My goal today is to show that the Marian dogmas do not contradict Scripture. This question comes from agoyforJesus. Okay. He says for Trent, which Marion dogma was or is the hardest for you to accept? Christie claims that Jesus declaration to the Pharisees about all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar was actually an endorsement of the Protestant Old Testament canon. Does the Bible teach that no human being has ever been assumed into heaven? Scripture reveals Mary was a Virgin, but conflicts with her being a perpetual Virgin. I would have to look through the whole Old Testament because word brothers is used quite a bit of time. So if youre going to say Mary sinned because an offering was made, then youd also have to say that Jesus sinned as well. We now are going to have four minute rebuttals. So I think its important that each of us, we dont have a problem with We might have a problem how to apply it but the basic level mother of God isnt contradicted by scripture. How do we know Andrew and Peter are brothers? Because as Steve agreed with me in this debate, the Greek word adelphos can mean adoptive sibling or half sibling. Thread info Bookmark this thread Trash this thread. And itll be really quick. Thanks for correcting me on that, Trent. For example, we could ask the question were the apostles baptized? Its also been mirrored on my channel, you can go and check that out. And even there, he admitted it doesnt explicitly talk about Mary. If she was immaculately conceived, she would not have bodily assumed needed to be rescued from death because thats the purpose of assumption, which we see from Enoch and Elijah. Stephen Christie has been at the top of the Real Estate Industry for 30 years. So does the Bible say Mary gave birth to anyone besides Jesus? We should only offer that to the father and the holy sacrifice of the mass. I had mentioned about the immaculate conception not being declared ex cathedra because this was before Vatican I in 1870 that declared that when a Pope declared something ex cathedra, then its considered infallible. The YouTube show, which was created by Kyle Curtis and Steve McRae, often featured interesting guests, such as Hugh Ross, Inspiring Philosophy, Shannon Q, Sy Garte, Matt Dillahunty, Paulogia, Lawrence Krauss, and more. When we talked about there being universal truths about sin, we both agreed on that. You would expect there to be deviations from it. Yeah. And I think thats something that we do find. Zacharias' daughter, Sarah Davis, posted a message on the website of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries on Tuesday, titled " Ravi Zacharias, Now With Jesus ," confirming that the . Thats fine. Christie then nailed a 46-yard field goal in overtime, giving the Bills their third victory of the season. In fact, when it is used in the Septuagint to talk about people who have different fathers or mothers, it is only ever used to describe people in the case of half siblings, of having different fathers, not different mothers . I dont think people at the time would call them Catholic. Youre talking about giving someone salvation prior to their sins? What we can find in the writings of the Church Fathers, however, are hundreds of citations of the deuterocanonical books as inspired Scripture. This next question comes from [Mcart 01:28:41] 1977. In his recent book Why Protestant Bibles Are Smaller, Protestant apologist Steve Christie claims that all Christians should accept the Protestant Old Testament canon and reject the deuterocanonical books of Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Wisdom, Sirach, 1and 2 Maccabees, and portions of Daniel and Esther. Shameless plug. Jesus is never referred to as a preemptive savior, but as a redeeming, delivering savior, which includes redeeming and delivering Mary from her sins. So we see here that messianic Psalms are often applied to Jesus in non-literal ways. Did the reformers believe every Catholic truth? And in fact, in the Old Testament, only begotten and firstborn are used interchangeably. We see this in Zechariah 12:10, where it talks about, They look on him who theyve pierced. Lets debate the Apocrypha! He is also a registered nurse and Steve discusses the challenges of balancing ministry and a career. [foreign language 00:26:34] was also used in literature that existed at roughly the same time period as the New Testament. Does the Bible say that every human person without exception has been conceived in original sin? I think that what were quibbling a little bit here on the assumption, I think we actually have more things we agree on than less. If Luke was communicating Jesus was Marys only child, he wouldve used the Greek word [foreign language 00:04:55] translated only begotten, rather than [foreign language 00:04:57] like he did elsewhere in his gospel, such as in Luke 7:12, 8:42 and 9:38.And in John 3:16, where Jesus is the only begotten son of God, meaning the only one. And I think one way that makes sense would be if Joseph had been previously married. It would behoove us, then, to follow in their example and praise the gift of Gods word that comes to us in these writings and critically examine arguments such as those presented by Steve Christie that would tempt us to reject a portion of Gods sacred revelation. We wouldnt expect it. And if thats the case, I think hed have to say there really wasnt a church before that if he cant find someone prior to that say, yeah, that person believed essentially what I believe. I had mentioned about the word all, pas, all have sin and fall short of the glory of God. From 1992 to 2000, Christie kicked for Buffalo. Did they think that there was anything unbiblical about Mary being ever Virgin? Had Adam not sinned he would be alive today, as well as Mary had she not inherited Adam sin nature, a view shared by Catholic Answers and the Second Council of Orange. Going forward, then, Mark Sorry, Steve tries to say that Mary committed a sin in Mark Three when she and the brothers of the Lord go to see him, but the text doesnt say anything about Mary doing anything sinful. And I can honestly say the same thing about Mary especially with the oppression of Rome and the Jews especially after Jesus was born. A four-month investigation found the late Ravi Zacharias leveraged his reputation as a world-famous Christian apologist to abuse massage therapists in the United States and abroad over more than. Facebook ): 32 (3488th overall since 1960) High School: Trafalgar ( Canada ) 2 2 8 2 SUMMARY Career G 229 AV 45 FGM 336 FGA 431 XPM 468 XPA 473 Career Postseason 1990 1991 Dr. Tony Costa and Steve Christie, The Issue of Canon and Sola Scriptura - The Council, Presuppositional Apologetics Round Up: Third week of August 2021 | The Domain for Truth, Response to Sam Shamoun's post Purgatory debate recap of Dr. Michael Brown against William Albrecht - The Council, Responding to Gary Michuta's Abel to Zechariah Counter-Arguments with Steve Christie & Paul - The Council, The Marian Dogmas Contradict Scripture, Trent Horn Vs. Steve Christie - The Council, Necessitarianism: Conceive of the Possibilities. Regarding the Immaculate Conception, the other Pope declared, but not infallibly, the most blessed Virgin Mary in the first instance of her conception was preserved free from all stain of original sin is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to believe firmly and constantly by all the faithful. Even if it is talking about sin, if its talking about being saved from sin before one came into existence, preemptively saved, then it still fits the context. I cant go into that in detail here in the answer, but I might talk about it in a future podcast episode. So you can use the app for three months before deciding whether its worth your time and money. [inaudible 01:23:43] This comes from supporter, Matt. But there are many problems with this speculative argument. Overview. Christie claims we can know God inspired the Protestant Old Testament canon because God chose Paul, a Pharisee, to be an apostle. And she doesnt mention sin in this part of Luke one. After leaving the Bills after the 2000 season, Christie played with the Chargers and Giants. This uncertainty continued for several hundred years into the Christian era, and the Jewish canon wasnt closed until the third or fourth century. Timothy Lam, in his book Formation of the Jewish Canon, agrees: Paul belonged to a Jewish sect that had a canon that was determined but not yet defined. This is fantastic. It is not mentioned in any book of the Bible, protocanonical or deuterocanonical, nor in any ancient nonbiblical witnesses such as Josephus or Philo. And my focus was on the word, adelphi, which Trent really didnt focus on, on his opening statement. Its on my YouTube channel BornAgainRN. Do it right now. Thats why Protestant scholars since the nineteenth century have taken the position Herbet Ryle did in saying the legend about the Great Synagogue was wholly untrustworthy., Christie also cites Geoghan and Homess book The Bible for Dummies in favor of the Great Synagogue, but on page 11 the authors make no mention of the Great Synagogue or of Ezras canon being identical to todays Protestant Old Testament. Wait until after the debate, but if you want to go there now, its about that. . And the other concern, again, that I have is from Lumen Gentium, which is a Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, that it is binding to Catholics that even if a Roman pontiff does not speak ex cathedra, it is binding. So my point would be that if we would show that devotion to the means through which Jesus died, why wouldnt we show that similar devotion through the means by which Jesus was born? The Counsel of Trent 46.3K subscribers In this debate, originally hosted at Pints with Aquinas, Trent Horn engages Protestant apologist Steve Christie on the question of whether the Marian. Look, weve got 737 people watching and only 492 likes. Prototokos, I dont have a problem with the term, meaning first out of the womb, but in Luke chapter two versus 22 to 23, this is a different event. Moreover, there was diversity of thought among Jews until the second century after Christ over what constituted the Hebrew canon. He might say that its unlikely, he doesnt accept it, but theres no contradiction also if she is thankful to God for being preemptively saved from sin. But this dogma would still be a contradiction if Mary remained alive before assumption, since the biblical purpose of an assumption is so the individual would not see death because this dogma affirms the Immaculate Conception of Mary did not inherit original sin passed down to Adam to all of mankind. Professional career [ edit] Early career [ edit] Thank you very much, Steve. Theres no divine judgment on Mary in any form described here in Mark chapter three. Two individuals share the same biological mother and father? In fact, the Protestant reformers, John Calvin said of Matthew 1:25, No just and well grounded inference can be drawn from these words of the evangelist as to what took place after the birth of Christ. Martin Luther even called this argument against Marys Perpetual Virginity based on Matthew 1:25 babble and without justification. I bet maybe you would kneel before it in prayer, you would weep to see that through this means our salvation was procured. These would be children from his previous marriage, making them adoptive brothers and sisters, and as such, they would be fully Jesuss brother and sister, the full use of the word adelphos. Get your complimentary mortgage payment estimate* Apply Now. Thats kind of hard. No, because their issue with Rome was about the sole authority of scripture over the sole authority of the church. Its referring back to 2 Samuel when its talking about the ark being moved to Jerusalem. Do it, or dont do it. But when you look into church history, its kind of hard to answer that question because even Trent cannot say about somebody that agreed exactly the way that he does. But I think Steve would agree the word adelphos typically means a person has the same biological father and mother and of course, Steve doesnt believe that because he believes Jesus has no biological father. So in Mark chapter one, verse 19, it says, James is the son of Zebedee, and it uses the Greek definite article. Their issue is not about Mary. So theres nothing in scripture that contradicts that. And I would also address that Luke actually specifically states that it is a salutation. I say this by way of concession, not of command. Well, again, this is the exception. When it comes to ancient Jewish authors, Christians shouldnt be con-cerned if they, like most Jews today, didnt believe the deuterocanonical books were Scripture. At what point does Marion devotion or veneration turn into idolatry? You have seven-, All right. Yeah. There might be historical errors, for example, in some magisterial documents, talking about the history of a doctrine, whether a certain saint or father believed X, Y, or Z. Infallibility has a narrow sense and only covers what is specifically defined. However, he should have cited what Jimmy said immediately before that quote: It wasnt entirely clear to every group of Jews exactly what books belonged in the Old Testament., Akin goes on to write that Jesus and the apostles went a bit further than the Pharisees on the issue of the canon. Steve will point to Jesus in sacred scripture. Let no one dwell in their tents. This is later applied in Acts 120, but not to a group of people, to an individual, namely Judas. Now the doctrine of original sin is true, but the Bible does not explicitly say that it applies to every single individual without exception. Im not saying thats a required view, but its a quite plausible one. Origen and Melito present lists that modern scholars recognize are of Jewish origin and so they lack the deuterocanonicals, but even these lists are missing books such as Esther and Lamentations. Okay. So were not talking about translations of the Bible. Should we baptize babies or not? Because thats what the Catholic Answers encyclopedia states. Things like whether shes Mediatrix or Co-Redemprtix. The Isaiah 7:14 prophecy only indicates that Mary was to remain a virgin during her pregnancy and up to the Messiahs birth., The NAB continues, The evangelist is simply concerned to emphasize that Joseph was not responsible for the conception of Jesus, which is why Matthew stresses the child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. Although the Pharisees had authority regarding ritual practices, they did not have doctrinal authority over other Jews, including those who came to believe Jesus was the messiah. Regarding her bodily assumption that Pope declared infallibly, if anyone should dare willfully to deny that which we have defined, let him know that he has fallen away completely from the divine and Catholic faith. , in the chat that only, what are some objections you hear from Protestants to that! There our sins, but i might talk about it in prayer, you can use the app three... On the word all, pas, all have sin and fall short of the Protestant Testament... A 46-yard field goal in overtime, giving the Bills their third victory of Bible... Glory of God, weve got 737 people watching and only 492 likes look, weve got people. I cant go into that in detail here in Mark chapter three to heaven to keep her from death. Jewish canon wasnt closed until the third or fourth century to the father and Jews... 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