Please advise doesnt phase me a bit, although I usually go for please clarify or please let me know your thoughts. Yes, my grandmother who was born in the late 1800s as a young woman worked in the field all day and then at lunch break the men stretched out under a tree while she and other women served them lunch and then everyone went back to work. I dont use it myself but that is because in most places I have worked it is used to end emails from managers or directors. Since that is what you actually want to know, couldnt you ask what are the options here? instead of please advise? I know all these options, however, the person I was emailing also knows all these options and knows which would be the best combination of cost effectiveness and timeliness. Shed been told about that by other staff, so I reminded her of that event, and then said, this is one reason the parking procedure was put in place. In-depth corrections and comments from a senior editor. It tells the subject being asked to advise (others) whom are relevant to the specific situation to be given information regarding that situation so everyone involved has the level of information that the person who requested please advise wanted to convey. I had other people read them and they never got angry from my emails, they said my emails read as clear and matter of fact. I mean sure, I could email her and ask what number she can be reached at- but if shes not at her desk chances are she cant take the call right then anyway. Just as Im used to people replying with something like Great, thanks! or Ok, no problem rather than acknowledged, Im used to people ending emails with what do you think? or is it ok if we do X? not please advise.. I gave it another try, coming at it from another angle. 2 I am sending a communication to our executive team and will need their thoughts on how to proceed. I do it a lot too. *taps foot*. When I worked in customer-facing roles in retail and food service, I much preferred looking the next person in line in the eye and saying something like, Step on up. "Please let me know if I can be of any assistance" is our top choice of how to say "let me know if you need anything" professionally. If they say the second line instead, people look at each other and defer to the next person. Please let me know if he gets any worse. I admit that I use it a little more often when Im frustrated about something, but there are times when it really is the best possible phrase to use in my opinion. Often I see please advise on an I just described a hilariously tangled or annoying situation email and it generally translates to I dont even know. In American English, "prefer" is a little more formal but still common enough to use in everyday speech. This is a kind phrase, as you are politely ensuring their comfort, while also offering any further assistance if deemed necessary. If I have to remind you more than once youre probably on my nerves more than I am on yours. When I use please advise its because Attorney X has completely ignored the five other e-mails Ive sent regarding the status of an issue or information needed to proceed. Like youre reminding a toddler Timmy, we do not hit our friends in the face with our shoes.. I disagree. Yeah, thanks is my new sincerely and it does seem pretty silly when you think about it. 3. I dealt with a lot of rebate payments at old job and the reason certain accounts might be delinquent/unpaid was due to a variety of reasons such as items not qualifying, reporting problems, contract renegotiation so what I thought was due truly wasnt but I didnt have current documentation on hand, invoices making the report but some sort of tallying error causing a short pay, already paid but reported for the wrong customer, etc. As in, The task youve given me is physically impossible. So once a week Im sending something, since shes not always in the office, but I never know when that will be. There are situations where someone under you (general you) genuinely does not have the information to make a plan of action. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. https . I think rocky relationships with colleagues and/or managers can have someone interpret all correspondence with some level of snark, condescending, shouting, bossy etc in tone even if it is genuinely not the case. I have the same issue with the response No worries but due to a personal relationship, not a work one. TextRanch lets you have your English corrected by native-speaking editors in just a few minutes. He told me it was standard while he was in the military. Please let me know if you agree likewise. Thats going to tip it towards a stern request that you fix something without any further input from them. Oftentimes even after the actual document has already been shared!! It would be annoying in the context of a yes/no question, for sure. I have no clue and no inclination to do anything else. Not many of them are productive or helpful ones. Yeah, its more please give your overall thoughts or opinions on this matter versus a specific question. } else { })(window, document);Cookie Policy(function (w, d) { But sometimes the reason people say it is because there are line-jumpers. Don't use the phrase, "Hope this helps" in an email. The original model was created digitally in Nomad Sculpt . Its politely collaborative. And a section called the hazards of over thinking. Regarding battles 1&2. Please advise. Which would be annoying. Not much different than clothing. ", Thanks for immediate response, really awesome application. Make sense?. Please Advise Whats the verdict? Oh, The Eyes! Please let me know how you would like to proceed. I think the world would be a somewhat nicer place if everyone did this. Want to hear the craziest email pet peeve? In choice experiments, respondents choose their most preferred option among different alternatives. I didnt expect so many people in the comments to agree with the OP but here we are. If I have asked a series of questions, I put a final, actionable question at the end. This exactly. I dont see it as passive aggressive at all. } else if (w.attachEvent) { My last supervisor would copy me on everything, and most times the emails didnt have a question directly related to me so I wouldnt respond. It loses the effect and can be irritating/condescending when you use it too often. i think i use all the examples described so far, and its not really my problem if you find them annoying. Im having a problem with this and Im not sure what to ask for but this is what we need. We will send you an email to confirm your account. if its not a foregone conclusion, then no i wouldnt thank them in advance, because that wouldnt make sense. However, I also think that in many cases, people like to use fancier language in writing because they think it makes them look smarter or more professional or something. I agree it is annoying to listen to. Could this be confirmed either way to help my order progress please? It reads to me like, I expect you do to this. }; Same thing happened at my work placethousands of employees all responding with reply all. I wonder what would happen if you just said no to Can I ask you a question for a few days. Can I help whoevers next would be perfectly grammatical, thoughhow about that? You need to add a payment method to get our special promo , Enter your email below to get instant access to the first Chapter of our Ebook, We're so happy that you liked your revision! 1. Battle #2: people who then reply all to say ZOMG!! Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. w.onload = loader; Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm - 4pm EST. Improve your English! I dont think its such a terrible phrase until someone inevitably writes please advice. Thanks a lot for editors. I cant remember. (Hope this helps really means - now leave me alone [or something like that].) For example, I can write, "The doctor advised me about taking supplements" or "I advised him to eliminate the angry tone in his writing." Some usage experts accept advise in place of inform or tell. See a translation. It was never a genuine question. And as an aside, I really wouldnt mind hitting someone with my shoes. But I think thats why he did it. If I was having the chocolate tea pot situation I would write, "Please let me know which option you prefer." I feel like more time is wasted when people try to save time on words and instead use "please advise". is it unprofessional to have an email address with 69 in it? This is exactly what I do. Is it possible theyre meaning Do you have time for a question? People around here use Can I ask you a question? all the time, and Im perfectly happy to say Nows not a good timecatch me when I break for lunch.. We used to have this. In relation to #2 I have had emails from two months ago resurface for an entirely different conversation. And, since it apparently means please do what it takes to fulfill my request, I have a feeling that, even if it translated well into English, itd still drive people up the wall. And Id hope that someone would cut me some slack should I unknowingly pick the wrong set of words. let me know your favorites. Who cares if someone writes please advise, I honestly doubt they are including it to annoy you. I use it a lot when trying to settle an issue between two separate departments or interested parties. BTW, this reminds me of a former peer who frequently signed off with Thanks in advance, or even used her own acronym, TIA! So, friendly reminder is not good to use? We had a parking procedure in place for a long time that the last person out the door at midnight parked in a specific spot where the security camera could see that person leave the building, walk to their car, and get in. For some reason, it gets the point across to her that we need certain information now, not later or not ever, *the time between Lucy pulling the football away as he tries to kick it and before he hits the ground knowing that she DID IT AGAIN. I would be happy to hear irritating, stupid stuff all day, if I was getting paid. To me, the two exclamation points read as hey, Im not annoyed, but I really need this info.. It has been an awesome way to improve my English skills. its definitely as bad or worse than gentle reminder in my book. I just think its a nice transition to end an email. = Question Please tell me where you WENT. Seems polite, like thanks for reading(? But they're both correct, they're both natural, and they're both used commonly. I also love the nonsense poetry of please clarify my doubts. 0. Why did the author use "prefer"? i kind of agree with the letter writer. I just went around her because it was quicker and easier. I supervise a manager who falsified an employee write-up but I dont think she should be fired, getting out of shared intern housing, why are so many executives condescending, and more, interviewer fake-rejected me to see if I would fight for the job. It always translated as here is something that did not get done according to someone else, it was on your plate, please advise me on why you did not do it. I invariably had to respond with here is what I did last month, this is when I sent the information, this is when I tried to contact that person and got no response, gosh its oily under this bus. (okay, the last bit was merely implied). In fact, I prefer it much more to someone writing to my boss and asking them and tacking on Sunflower didnt answer my email when I had no clue she needed a response. It is like personal space. complimentary close! That would make me investigate accordingly and resolve as applicable and reply with details of any action taken. Sometimes on emails its unclear whether its just an FYI or something I need a response on. Or you are a better person to address the situation based on your experience/skills/expertise? Theres something about the tone of it that feels too deferential or uncertain to me. I do appreciate it when people are willing to take context into account, so sometimes an opener that acknowledges, hey, I know youve been working really hard on X so this might have fallen off the radar is appreciated, but I really do want to get you what you need! Im not a big user of please advise, but I dont think theres anything wrong with using it. Yes, I have lots of thoughts about this. If there's anything you need at all, just. I always felt like my reaction was unreasonable, but its definitely a strong one! Id never say to another person, Please advise., I tend to write like I talk, and I really, really try to avoid any written phrases that dont scan like normal speech. Sometimes I have no idea how else to end an email that indicates that I need an answer and whatever Im doing cant move forward without it. } Thanks!. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. I think it is a fairly formal phrase, and when someone we are usually casual/informal/friendly with suddenly becomes formal it does seem like they are annoyed or being aggressive. Consider following us @archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular basis. as an example, someone is speaking at an event, for which we dont pay for, but reimburse for. That said, I would never use please advise without more to the sentence. I use "let me know" (or "let me know either way") all the time and I've always intended it to mean "by the way, you can say no if you want to". The addition of please advise feels demanding and bratty and of course redundant. And its also a way of warning others that people are jumping line and I am not happy about it. It comes across as condescending to me. Input your text below. I learned of the phrase after listening to some fiction audiobooks set in India. I hate please advise! please advise to me is still quite demanding and says. TIA! which was infuriating. Yeah, those are not please advise situations! If its just an FYI, and theres no action, I dont put that, or any other question. On the please advise thing. We have enjoyed serving you for the past five years. Well, it was one way we could make ourselves pay any kind of attention to her. } Plus I like telling people what to do. When writing an email to a person to get a time to discuss some thing, what would the correct and polite way of writing among the below two. I think please advise is okay when youre asking a question going up the ladder, but coming from a manager to a subordinate it does usually come off as, please advise WTF you were thinking when you did this., Yeah, since someone above you is unlikely to actually want anything that could be called advice from you haha. I think thats kind of the same though I mostly get those when Im out of the office, and take it as a sign that theyre not expecting me to be available to take calls at any particular moment. One of our experts will correct your English. Ask what you mean to ask. Its work. I work with people in India a lot and they do say Please do the needful which is quirky English but not offensive or particularly grating to me. Im not crazy about please adviseits a vague and strangely worded requestbut at least its a request! (without going into details, many of my co-workers have 4 or 5 or more phone numbers). Its difficult to find delicate ways to follow-up with someone when youre unsure if somethings fallen off their radar or not. Annoyingly, Outlook will put the green squiggle under advise in the phrase Please advise and will suggest advice instead. +1. i especially like using it when i need help and ive always thought of it as kind of polite way to ask for help, likely from how i was introduced to it. I hate the phrase. Words come into popularity and after a bit they fall into disfavor. I use please advise, but I use it sparingly, usually after I have presented options and just need some help deciding which option would go best for this particular situation. If I have one grievance to file about business email, it would be that I wish people wouldnt use words that they dont understand. I dont usually go for five opening questions before my real question, especially in instant messaging. if you would prefer. Im going to ask Alison!. He ended the email with please advise. Like, if Im asking my manager a question, Id say Hey manager, this is the thing thats happening, what do you want me to do with that? but if I was emailing the CEO with a variety of other senior staff copied, Id say Here is the situation please advise. I could see how it might seem snotty when used in a situation that doesnt call for it, like youre being faux respectful. We have a process for removing yourself from a distribution list, and replying to all to an email sent to the distribution list isnt it. I have to admit Im looped in on a lot of emails that make me think, Uhhhh . If you say -- How would you like to proceed -- then that is a question you should say -- How you would like to proceed. Some appreciate it so they dont have to take 30 minutes to craft a reply to me. Idk, it just seems like the nicest default sign-off. I think the phrase Please advise means Define my problem, then solve it for me. As such, I think its a pretty irritating/lazy way to ask for help. This sounds kind of rude and a little angry to me. I think please and thank you arent used enough in business communication. Yes, I suppose thats more out of concern for your schedule. :). I use please advise sparingly, and only in the following two situations: (1) You have dropped the ball and its become my problem. I guess Im being somewhat oversensitive because Ive had several employees in the past who drove me CRAZY with constantly dumping issues in my lap and never trying to bring solutions. TechCrunch. So Ive taken to using Thanks, Dana every.single.time. I can definitely think of specific people who only use please advise in the negative context. Of course I fixed my husband a plate when he was seeing to the kids, or otherwise engaged but otherwise, why would a man not fix his own dang plate. In that case the please advise makes no sense because hes already asking you a question that you can answer. To me, the worst is when I just get an email or text that says call me without any further context whatsoever. In my job, emails are often used as official business communiques. Or speaking whale a la Dory in Finding Nemo. I agree, and especially if its used after a question. Nobody sits there and thinks Okay, how can I let them know that I really need to hear back from them on this? They just type Please advise. This is what language is all about, really. You know, I think everyones got their pet peeves with email. as is brekky, I think. In the same way: What do you like? Its a little different with messages to customers/clients, of courseyou end up using more formality there. We can either 1) switch to white chocolate 2) continue with milk chocolate or 3) form a team to identify new chocolate options. so once they agree to speak, i send the email to all the speakers with all the additional tasks, and say thank you in advance, as an acknowledgement of all the things i just told them to do. The Guardian. Maybe thats a little too informal for some places, but it generally works for me. I thought, Maybe Im wrong? Fastest Times Our team of editors is working for you 24/7. I dont know how to line up a potential solution if I dont know what solutions exist, and thats why Im contacting them in the first place. Sorry that came across as rude. Were not children here. ok, thanks all. If kids notice this stuff, its going to be even more obvious to adults. Please let me know whic h way of pay ment you prefer - whether a ba nk transfer (I'll. s.src = ""; Just kidding. Yikes, I learned to do this when I worked in a law firm and often end emails this way. To help you find the right words when you need them here are 20 great expressions for closing an email. I use please review and advise quite frequently, but for two types of situations: 1 I need direction from my boss I can see how it might be annoying if overused. I hear this about bless your heart all the time. var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; Any help would be . How do you feel about emails that say, Just wanted to let you know that blah blah blah.? Closing your account will prevent you from accessing your past revisions, and you will no longer be eligible for a FREE daily revision. Mar 31, 2012 5:50 AM. The sender writes anyway and says I need to put in the order for either blue and green enamel for next months collector teapot and Jane told me she didnt know. will also work. Sometimes we feel particularly cheeky and switch it up to kindly advise. For example if a person has not done something huge, dont tell them they did. Yes, passive aggressive! How may I help you? or even Next in line, please., I have fortunately never heard that phrase , but I suspect that somewhere along the way Whos next? got combined with I can take/help the next customer in line (or something similar), Ok, I can see that. But I dont think Ive ever used it on top of an already asked question rather, it IS the question. My boss does that same thing, but she puts the most random words in all caps, and puts everything on an individual line. Ive been tempted). So I only associate this phrase with mistakes and anxiety, plus a little bit of public humiliation thrown in for good measure (this wasnt the greatest office environment!). Its like some people where I work really hate double-sided printing. Often times, I presented with a lot of data that I dont know what to do with it. But if they are generally fine as coworkers, then youre better off not reading into how ever they phrase their emails. There are a handful of people at work who use this on When I used to work on an international team, I found they used Please Advise quite regularly. ooooo! Like, Kindly reply to this message by Thursday. Not something thats going to ruin my day or anything, but you could just ask me to do the thing, and Ill do the thing, because Im a professional adult who works hard to meet my obligations. Terrible. I tend to use it if theres a complicated situation with multiple possible solutions, or if Im really just totally lost. me: yes Thats more of a benign request. Hmm, please let me know how to proceed seemed more formal and curt to me. ", Human who is reviewing my question not automated machine. People can be so different! And from people who should have known better than to reply all! OMG yes please do the needful makes me stabby. So its not on top of a question. Two women went shopping and they decided to buy a jacket. Could you then make a joke out of it but one that also gets across your point that asking that question is wasting your time? At my first job out of college, please advise was only ever used in emails to point out to someone that they missed a deadline or made a mistake. ;). Itd be a big category. persons IM: Can you talk? He sends documents to me to get rid of a blank page (when all it takes is a single backspace to get rid of it) and when he got a macbook I was constantly with him at 30 minutes at a time trying to teach him how to right click or minimize a window, how to locate a file he has saved, etc. To my boss, about another group entirely, and Im sure she knows me well enough to know what I meant. (And we have a couple of offices in India we communicate with, so it comes up a lot.). I think it is more to the point to mix up your word choice, dont lean on one phrase or word excessively. When I get one from someone who is difficult or needy, I definitely do a bitch eating crackers face at the email. I dont see anything wrong withplease advise. I reserve it for instances in which Im not explicitly asking a question and want to signal that I need a response/guidance. Battle #1: people who reply all to large groups with Please remove me from this email list I always take the time to phrase my response as, I advise you to Actually, if any of my direct reports use it, I ask what they mean by it. Yes, person A can say 'I shall let you know how it went', and person B can say 'Please let me know how it went'. So I just associate it with management instructions. Please advise.. Please advise. Certain phrases set me off too. Im getting more used to the smaller zone as the years go on, but its still maddening. Aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh! I agree that benefit of the doubt is important when reading emails just because tone can be hard to convey correctly sometimes, but it seems like an oxymoron to say dont read into tone that isnt there when you have no way to know what the tone is supposed to be aside from what you can grasp by the words the sender used. Even when theyre like, Some newbie staff members were constantly parking in that spot, which meant one of two things the midnight person had to use one of their breaks to move their car after that staff member left, or if that staff member forgot to move their car, they had to walk 500 metres in the dark to the staff carpark with no cameras at all. Please advise brought to mind this very accurate post: Thats almost threatening. Can you please clarify? Make sense? Doesnt bother me much after that. Would prefer a steel guide rod. Just no. The forms probably include them by default just like they do name or address or ZIP code . But she would write EmilyG, there is no copier paper left, do you know where to order some? Are they presenting you with new information about something thats typically your responsibility? Floor plans starting at $925. Yea see because you made a statement rather than ask a question. ", Reliable, meticulous and astonishingly prompt. If I have a specific question, and I know the recipient is either really busy or prone to scanning emails, Ill usually state the question and then bold it. Is there a long term way to get people to stop giving us unsolicited sales calls? usually its tasks related to a larger thing theyve agreed to. For normal people that say please advise and then actually follow the advice, this isnt a problem it is only the repeat offenders who say please advise and then do whatever they want anyway that make me grit my teeth when I see an email with this phrase from them. I dont feel bad about it one bit. Because it is deferential, I would view it as an obnoxious phrase only if used by a manager to a direct report and not vice versa. That seems really rude; after all, Im the one who is requesting the call so I should do the dialing. Please advise.. Sometimes I close with thanks for reading. I dont mind quickly emailing my boss and saying something like, Laura, did we receive the orders today? But overall, it feels too awkward and informal to not add something after the question, and I think some people who use Please advice are doing so for similar reasons. Want more FREE revisions? You guys are amazing. PizzaSquared * April 13, 2015 at 3:15 pm. im consistently surprised/fascinated by the responses i read here, and its why ill never be able to stay away. So basically, get over yourself and please advise. I would like to give some of that advice to the current staff that I manage. Is it possible that your reaction is based off your feelings in your role and the office dynamics? Term way to ask for but this is what we need probably include them by just! How you would like to proceed its going to tip it towards a stern request that you can answer office. We could make ourselves pay any kind of rude and a little angry to is. 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