Are there kids in it? Sulley and Boo watch Randall exit. (Sulley looks at Boo and sighs. That was weird. (The Yeti holds out a tray of yellow snowcones.). You have your own climate. This company can't afford any more bad publicity. are heard emerging from the set. Charlie: He's doing great! His buddy looks pretty sad.). Mike and Sulley follow her back to her house and try to use her door to return to the monster world, but it doesn't work. This has gone too far.). The shift in editing over to pages for the movies, characters, actors, directors, composers, crew and galleries is now fully in effect. Now, bon voyage. (A monster with dozens of eyes steps forward to corroborate). Plot Mike and Sulley discover that Boo has moved, and they must set off on a quest through the human world to find her. So wait here, while I get its card key. Randall: If I don't see a new door in my station in five seconds, I WILL PERSONALLY PUT YOU THROUGH THE SHREDDER!!! Six-year-old Mike Wazowski goes on a class trip to the Monsters, Inc. factory. The closet door creaks open. Crystal also gave . Finally, Disney chose a draft that had been submitted by Jim Herzfeld. I'll be here all week. He falls sideways onto the floor.). Sulley runs to Boo's door, ready to toss Boo back in. ), (Suddenly, a huge shadow covers them. The unproduced film's storyline followed Mike and Sulley from the first Monsters, Inc. film as they drop in to surprise their friend Boo for. It was released on June 17, 2013. (Sulley has an idea. Mike: Sulley, I'd like to think that given the circumstances, I have been extremely forgiving up 'til now, but that is a horrible idea! Prepare for decontamination. They stare back at her blankly.). The bear!! Nemo is related to the main character from Ratatouille apparently. He relaxes back into bed. When new customers enter the restaurant, the waiters all yell. The reality of the situation is that Boo can't see Sulley, she doesn't believe in monsters anymore. (CDA agents burst out from the bathroom stalls. Celia: Oh, Googly-Woogly, you remembered! Smitty and Needleman, the two geeky teenage janitors stand in awe on the sidelines. We're in a--, (Mike waves the kid away. Mike: I will see you at quittin' time and not a minute later. Mike: Oh, please be there, please be there, please be there. He's after Boo. It's a work in progress, it's gonna get better. Oh! Mike: Look out. Isolate the contaminate! (Sulley runs down the hallway, carrying both Boo and Mike.). They turn around and see Boo's little brother, who approaches them with a drawing of he and Mike. Mike: What a night of romance I got ahead of me! Mike: Hey, hey, hey, hey, where are you going? ), (Before Charlie can finish, George grabs him by the throat, stuffs the sock in his mouth, and tosses him in the door. And I'll silence ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY! Waternoose: (Shouting) DON'T GO IN THAT ROOM!!! Oh, he's a happy bear. They find Simon in the laugh canister storage room. It also got a videogame adaptation. Among the rejected ideas was a script written by Teacher's Pet writers Bill and Cheri Steinkellner that involved Woody and the gang finding toys that had been stolen out of Andy's grandmother's attic in a whodunit-style mystery. You've destroyed this company. You were on a roll, my man! Whew! No, hey, hey, that's my bed. Tongue Monster Kid: (turning her head) Bye, Mike! Mike: You're the boss, you're the boss, you're the big hairy boss. The studio did not release any films during its existence . Enj *The delorean turns into a telephone booth.*. Mike, Sulley, George, Josh, and green cyclops: Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me! Mr. Waternoose: Say, I could use your help with something. ), (Mike looks back and sees Randall approaching. (Sulley punches the wall in frustration, sending a piece of ice across the floor. Sulley opens he door and motions for Mike to jump in. Mike: That's it. (Behind Celia, Sulley presses his face up to the window. It stops, stacked against the wall of doors.). (Mike halts abruptly. (Randall nods at Fungus, who presses buttons on the console.). ), (Boo thinks this is hilarious and begins laughing. No, no, I can't Sir, sir, you have to listen to me. Without scream, we have no power! Sulley and Boo slip away into her room, she gives Mike a hug and gives Randall a slap. Aah! Whoa, whoa, whoa. The agent points it towards the kid just as a random monster walks between them. (Mike opens the door, but sees only other doors stacked behind it.). (Fungus struggles and grows pale as the machine does its work. You can't just-, (As George staggers to his feet, Charlie spots a sock stuck to his chest. Come on, now, chuck him, chuck him, baby, hum, baby. Redneck mama: (o.s.) You ready? This caught the attention of Simon Nerlich, a nerdy 30-something and a self-proclaimed monster hunter, who was listening in on his police scanner. Sulley: Hey, that looks like Randall. Enormous wooden horse? You're making him lose his focus. Mike: And what about me? Needleman: (Dressed as Randall) Alright, Wazowski! Mike runs into the lobby, searching for Sulley.). ), (Randall uncamoflages in front of the door, and opens it. Crazed with pain, Bile runs around the room, squealing and holding his backside.). Mike continues his apology, obvious.). (Mike's locker suddenly slams by itself. Sulley is devastated. (Mike takes off, carrying Boo's monster disguise. I understand. I mean, well, sure, he's handsome, if you like the big guy, he's rugged. Sir, you don't understand. (as Sulley runs past) Sulley? ), All Monster Performers: And so we put that kid back where she came from, as she helped us to find a better tomorrow today! It's okay. Judging by her tone, she's been through this before.). She runs to her closet and opens it. Sulley checks underneath the loss floorboard and sure enough, Boo left him a letter. By now Boo has reached the stage, close enough to feel the full impact of Sulley's roar. (gasps) 23-19!! (Screen flashes to Mike and Sulley taking behind a menu). Mike: (to Sulley) Oh, no, my scare reports! Hey, hey, hey, hey. (His hands are covered with splinters and band-aids.) A cleaver chops through a piece of raw monster fish. (Mike walks onto the Scare Floor, already bustling with activity). He turns around, annoyed.) Ted's walking to work. (Needleman and Smitty load the defunct door into the shredder. He tumbles down the mountainside, finally sliding to a stop, face down in the snow. They try another kid and another, but for some reason, none of the closet doors are working. All is quiet. Mr. Waternoose: Aaah! I got us a way out of this mess, but we gotta hurry. 'Nother gator?! After getting trapped in the human world, Mike and Sulley split up after disagreeing on what to do. ), (Sulley pulls the door open and sees only more snow. As he reaches to open it, the knob rattles. Just think about a few names, will you? Uh-oh. Mike slips. Randall: the door will be gone. There is nothing Sulley can say. (Randall swings down from the rafters, kicks Sulley and sends him tumbling backward out of the open door. (Sulley pitches Randall through.) ), Sulley: (v.o.) The pink copies go to accounting, the fuchsia ones to purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. Could be contaminated. But you DIDN'T, did you?! ), (A small shower head pops up, spraying disinfectant. Yeti: Wasteland? She grabs Mike's leg, and so is dragged after him.). While Sulley and the new pardoned monsters hustle to the ceremony, Mike is already standing at the altar finally ready to say "I do". It fits perfectly. Mike ducks under the table, but there's nothing there. We could be next! Smitty: (calling after) Go get 'em, Mr. Soloman! She tells him that if he's not ready to say I do at their wedding that Sunday, she will never marry him. A piano plays in the background as the curtains open. Take your hands off me. The energy crisis will only get worse because of YOU!! You're trying to scare the kid, not lull it to sleep. The red light on the door they're riding lights up and fades off. Where did everybody come from? Randall enters, wheeling a cart of scream cans towards the door. You're safe now. I love working with that big guy. Randall: What happened?! Randall: (laughs) What do you know? I was just mad, that's all. ), Mike: Oh, hey! They all wear little dog collars, too. You think he's gonna come through the closet and scare you. Mike: Hey, hey, that's it! Sulley is gone. Celia: (over P.A.) It's a work in progress. They realize they need to remind Boo of their existence if they want to go home. She harmonizes with her brother and begins to see Sulley materialize in front of her and is overcome with emotion. Plot Details For Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost In Scaradise. with a room of a view. One of the eyeballs falls off Ted's face, and his assistant puts it back on. I'm a natural! (As Sulley listens to Mike, his eyes are drawn to the purple, scale-like fabric of his reclining chair. (Jerry hits a human child emergency button. Mike: Sulley, I've had enough. The CDA agents see this and chase after them.). Announcer: (v.o.) After a failed attempt at teaching Boo's brother stand-up comedy, Sulley notices Boo singing outside and has an epiphany. (Mike slams his fits on the desk. Mike: Hey, less talk, more pain, marshmallow boy! No, no, no, no, no. Celia: Michael, if you don't tell me what's going on right now, we are through! He spots an open locker and stuffs the sopping kid stuff in. Randall: I'm in the zone today, Sullivan. Times have changed. He stands on one of the shelves throwing the canisters down at Mike and Sulley and on impact, the seals of the bottom of the cans crack, releasing highly pressurized laugh energy, shooting off like missiles and flickering all of the lights. Okay, rule number one out here: Alwaysno. A little boy snuggles into bed as his parents' footsteps fade away from the hall. Sulley: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year's company play. (Pushes Needleman), (Screen flashes to Sulley and Mr. Mary squeals with delight. He hears the echoey voices of Randall and Fungus, which grow clearer as Sulley gets closer to them.). FEE, FI, FOE-. Mike: The company? Mike holds up a piece of paper.). Mr. Waternoose and the workers cover their eyes. The light illuminates. Sulley runs past various monsters in the hallway. Yeti: Oh, would you look at that? ), (Mike and Sulley are in the middle of a snowy mountain range. Mike: What's that thing? Where's Wazowski?! Stay calm. But where is he? Well done, James. The sequel I am referring to is Monsters Inc. 2: Lost In Scaradise. Mike runs after him. Just leave her alone! Cautiously, he opens the door. He wants the door, I get the door. ), (Sulley reaches for Boo, trying to calm and reassure her. Randall emerges. We-we'll talk. As part of Pixar's original distribution deal with Disney in the 90's, Disney owned the rights to Pixar's characters, including sequel rights. This is the men's room. Huh? It slams shut again. It slows to a stop. (They swipe Boo's card key and wait anxiously for her door to arrive. A yellow hand reaches in with a huge electric razor. Mike: (being pulled from both sides) Okay, here's the truth! Fungus collapses. Her face is uncomfortably scrunched. Look over there! Celia isn't about to be left behind again. Tony: (chuckling) I hear somebody's close to breaking the all-time scare record. He decides to visit the kids of that house where he gets a description and drawing of what the monsters looked like from the kids. Randall: (to Fungus) Why are you still here? Newscaster: If witnesses are to be believed, there has been a child security breach for the first time in monster history. At this point, Mike is furious. A newscaster talks to the camera.). In seconds, Mike deftly fills can after can with scream. Blaming Sulley for his missing horn, he grabs Sulley's horn and starts gnawing on them in retaliation, which catches the attention and laughter of a little girl. Schmoopsie, I thought you liked sushi.. Celia: Sushi? It ain't easy being banished. A metal dome is bolted over the sock. Ow! An alarm sounds and Boo's door, poised high above the station, heads back into the door vault. The pals are at odds with one another on how to handle the situation. But the neat conceit of "Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise" is that once Mike & Sulley cross over into the human world, they then aren't allowed to return to Monstropolis until they actually reunite with Boo. Mike: All right, I got a move here. Sulley: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don't be scared. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. She scampers off down the hall.). Sulley sets her back in bed, then walks slowly to the door. OPEN THIS DOOR! Millions of doors, as far as the eye can see, travel on overhead tracks. It travels away on an overhead track.). Sulley: RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRR!!!!!! We power your car. Wait, wait, wait, wait. A huge metal door lowers into the station with a bang. Mike: Sulley, please, don't blow this. Sulley: (standing) Uh, um, I'm looking for the kid. Mike: Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I spotted several big mistakes. The door is white, and it has five flowers on it.). Come on, get lost, you two. Hmmm. Mike: (nervously looking around) Kid? Randall! Sulley calls down a series of doors to the laugh floor and one by one, all of the banished monsters emerge, except for the Abominable Snowman, who they all forgot to tell that this was happening. Sulley: (looking for Mike) Mike? Celia: Oh, Michael! Just then, Simon bursts into the backyard and tackles Sulley to the ground, but quickly realizes that he didn't tackle Sulley, a man in a dinosaur costume who was entertaining other kids at the party who all promptly begin to beat him up. Mike: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I am now. You know that kid that they're looking for? I-- (A smile spreads across Randall's face.) (Fungus is suddenly pulled up into the ceiling by a pair of large blue hands. Whimpering, he protects himself with a garbage can lid. Mike: I like everything about you. Mike: No. Sulley and Mike walk out into the evening light.). Mike: So, get this. Mike: Well, then why don't you find some place for it to sleep (suddenly angry) WHILE I THINK OF A PLAN?! The photographer looks up and sees Mary. My mom! A band-aid covers the area "contaminated" by the sock. ), (The floor is dark and empty as Sulley walks to Mike's desk.). For context, Disney Circle 7 Animation was a studio Disney briefly operated from 2004 to May 26, 2006. Sulley bursts through the door and spots Boo standing alone in the middle of the moonlit room.). Instead, they find an old woman sleeping in her bed. ), (Screen flashes, revealing Sulley in the MI bathroom. Sulley: Uh Boo um (accepting a toy) Oh, look at that. Sulley: Now, look, what if we just put her back in her door? Hello? ), (Waternoose stands at an empty door station with Boo's card key in his claw. ), (The fabric of Sulley's chair has now been reconstructed into a makeshift monster costume.). Disney Confirms 2012 Release Date For Monsters, Inc. 2. Celia: Mm-hmm. This is not what Randall was expecting.). Mike: (whispering to Sulley) Of course I have her card key. Come here, you! No. He grabs the Scream Extractor and forces it away from Boo. But Sulley's smile fades. You know, like on the street, with the honk-honk, and the vroom-vroom, and no walking involved? Circle 7's employees were absorbed into the Walt Disney Animation Studios, while Pixar would later make Toy Story 3, Finding Dory and Monsters University, none of which had any connection to Circle 7's versions of these films. ), (Sulley stops, scarcely able to believe what he's seeing.). Uh-oh. (Mike runs through a side exit door, out of the factory. In fear, she calls out for Sulley. You know, only somebody with perfect comedic timing could produce this much energy in one shot. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. But as it does, the letter begins to glow, he looks back down at the letter and the second half written in glow-in-the-dark ink reveals itself, showing Boo's new address. Stand aside. The boy, now revealed to be an animatronic, winds down and resets. (Randall gulps. Mr. Waternoose: Oh, I never thought things would come to this. Fungus stands next to him.). Celia: (o.s., over paging system) All scare floors are now active. Titled Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise. (In the M.I. Mary points to a one eyed teddy bear, out of her reach. She giggles, then scampers off to hide behind another stalls. Mike: Yeah, it's, ah, "Bring An Obscure Relative to Work Day". Mike and Sulley walk past.). Sulley: Hey, morning, kids. One without the other don't mean nothing to me, nothing to me! What a night for my mother to be in the audience, ladies and gentlemen! What are we going to do about the child?! Press J to jump to the feed. Sulley: Mike, what are you thinking? (Randall and Fungus coming running down the hall, crashing after Sulley and Mike. On the other side of the desk, Randall silently uncamouflages. Mike: Oh, good id- (catching the joke) You know, that wasn't very funny. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Mr. Waternoose: (o.s.) And we can take you to his secret lab, which is right here in this factory. And, uh, how's Georgie doing? Too Greek! Ms. Flint: Right there. (Mike trips on a lamp and flies across the floor. , (1995 CG Walt Disney Pictures logo appears. (into wrist communicator) Bring me a door shredder. Well, in that case, let's keep it. You hear the winds of cha--?" Sulley: Come on, we gotta find another door! So, what do you think of that kid getting out, Sullivan? (Mike puts the giant bowl -- his contact lens -- into his eye. You got us. (Randall angrily hits the stall door. They emerge again, this time through a door moving along the door track. Oh, I love kindergarten. Watch The Trailer For The Abandoned Monsters Inc. Sequel Lost In Scaradise. (to Sulley) All right, then, I'll see you this afternoon, James. Mike: Hey, look at that, it's Randall. Mike: Hey, thanks a lot! (Pushes Smitty), Smitty: (worried) Oh, let me do it over! Mike: That is the weirdest thing you have ever said. The next morning, Mike and Sulley try to open Boo's door, but for some reason, her key card isn't working. From under the bed, a pair of evil red eyes peer out. Mike: Sull, that's a cube of garbage. Randall studies the blurred photo of Boo in the restaurant. Mike: (pretending to act stubborn) I'll never talk. Behind them a giant explosion envelopes the restaurant and was blown to smitherines. (Sulley drags Mike away. ), (Randall emerges from another door. ), (Chaos ensues. Where did you come from? CDA Agent: (to fellow agent) Careful with that. (It was a beautiful tranquil day in the tropics. Ow! But guess what? You both have. Why am I the last to know? I calibrated the drive shaft--. Because of you, I had to banish my top scarer! Redneck boy: (o.s.) The others tell Sulley to just let him leave, but Sulley knows better, if he lets Simon go, he still knows how to come back and others will come too. George Sanderson, please remain motionless. Is he hearing this?). Jerry: (to camera) I'm Monsters Incorporated! Sulley: Did you lose weight? Mike? (Twelve scarer of the month photographs -- all of Sulley -- hang on a wall. Mike: Thank you! (Sulley opens the closet. He washes his hands. Sulley: (stopping) Randall? (Mike nervously chuckles as a microphone dangles from above him). You think this is about sushi?! She is the one! Mr. Waternoose: (expecting the worse) Well, Jerry, what's the damage so far? Keep it up! What'd you do with it? Look out, you idiot! ), (Invisible Randall chokes Sulley, who gasps for air.). (Mike is still explaining the situation to Waternoose.). Pretty crazy, huh? (Sulley closes the closet door behind him. Not to mention the angry mob that'll come after us when there's no more power. (Celia hangs up the intercom phone with a smile. A letter the bed, then scampers off to hide behind another stalls, Smitty: ( expecting the )! 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