To be a type of the priesthood of Christ, (kingpriest) there was no need for a genealogy. Jesus` kingpriestly office is of a new order. There are, in the church, two priesthoods, namely, the Melchizedek and Aaronic (Doctrine and Covenants 107:1). The Old Testament prophet Elijah held sealing keys, and governed a school of prophets who had Melchizedek Priesthood. Heb 7:11. 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Why is the Aaronic Priesthood called the Aaronic Priesthood? Through this power He redeems and exalts His sons and daughters, bringing to pass their "immortality and eternal life" ( Moses 1:39 ). The Aaronic and Levitical Priesthood are synonymous. The priesthood is referred to by the name of Melchizedek because he was such a great high priest (Doctrine & Covenants Section 107:2). In Psalm 110 --Psa 110:1 A Psalm of David. D&C 13:1 Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth, until the sons of Levi do offer again an offering . 8: 4; Ezra 2: 70; John 1: 19). The order of Aaron was a division of priesthood in which the priests offered the blood sacrifices of animals to God, while the order of Melchizedek is a division of priesthood in which the sacrifice of bread and wine is offered. Similarly, when an Israelite presented a peace or a sin offering, he laid his hands upon the animal being offered, identifying himself with it and transferring his guilt to the animal. (Heb. The last priest of Zadok before the desecration of the Temple was named Yohanan (John) before the true priesthood fled from Jerusalem and many believe created the order of the Essenes who preserved the scrolls which are later found as the Dead Sea Scrolls. This was done on May 15, 1829, near Harmony, Pennsylvania, along the banks of the Susquehanna River. After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites entered the desert, and when Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, they built the tabernacle to keep the Ten Commandments in. For he says, The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet. If then David calls him Lord, how can he be his son? I recall a push to stop referring to the men as the Melchizedek Priesthood. 17:12) As with all presidencies, this council was patterned after the eternal quorum of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 17:12, 28:1,3). Through the priesthood God created and governs the heavens and the earth. Aaronic Priesthood Overview The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God. They were called to function in the role as "intercessor" between the tribes of Israel and God as they offered up sacrifices, kept the Menorah lit, and once a year entered to offer sacrifices on Yom Kippur. One had to be descended from the Tribe of Levi and the family of Aaron. In this teaching, Rico discusses the importance of identifying the difference between the Aaronic and the Melchizedek priesthood, as understanding the difference will help our role as believers of the Kingdom. Hence it is called the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood; the two names are synonymous. This system held Moses through Malachi. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. Mat 3:16 And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; Mat 3:17 and behold, a voice from heaven said, This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased., Joh 3:28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him.. Paste as plain text instead, Differences between the Aaronic Priesthood and the Priesthood of Melchizedek. However, after Jesus ascended into heaven and all the apostles died, Satan infiltrated the Church and abolished all the feasts of the new covenant; the Passover of the new covenant was abolished in A.D. 325. (Heb. 10: 5-6, 10-13) Samuel recorded the manner of the kingdom, meaning the regulation of a kingdom in which a righteous king is set apart. It is Unchanging -. They have the authority to administer to the sick and give special blessings to family members and others. On May 15, 1829, he and his scribe Oliver Cowdery went into the woods to inquire of the Lord concerning baptism. Just as Melchizedek blessed Abraham through bread and wine, Jesus blessed human beings through bread and wine at the Passover. The writer to the Hebrews was just showing that there was no mention of such which was needed for the Aaronic Priesthood. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. The abolition of the Passover was an act of abolishing the sacrifice itself, which Christ would offer according the order of Melchizedek to give His people the blessing of eternal life with bread and wine. The hierarchal nature of these priesthoods, in some sense, makes the Aaronic and Levitical Priesthoods redundant. Free shipping for many products! Jesus was "another priest" who was to " arise " (7:11, 15). In the latter priesthood, YHVH designated the descendants of Aaron as priests over Israel replacing the heads of each home as the priest of each family (Exod 30:31). Temple construction and implementation is the province of the high priesthood only. According to the Law of Moses, only literal descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses, could hold the Aaronic priesthood. I had never seen this fragment. Besides the order of Aaron, there are also references to the order of Melchizedek in the Bible; Christ is described as the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek., . .Yhvh our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. (Ex. prior to the covenant that Yhvh's people agreed upon with God as per Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Christ restored the Melchizedek Priesthood through His . Melchizedek is introduced in Genesis 14:18 and is described as the king of Salem and "priest of God." Abram (later Abraham) offers Melchizedek a tithe and is blessed. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah. That he, Jeremiah, and Ezekial were quorum associated seems likely. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body. Then he took the cup [wine] Drink from it, all of you. Going to have to ponder on that some more. not that it would matter much. Thus was the Lords system of government perfected in ancient Israel. Upload or insert images from URL. `Now consider how great this MAN was to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of the spoilsbut he whose genealogy is NOT derived from them, (Aaronic priesthood) .Here MORTAL MAN receive tithes ` (Heb. Moses served as the prophet, seer, and revelator; at his side were the princes of Israel, twelve in number, comparable to the Twelve Apostles, one of whom presided over each of the tribes (Num. 13: 19) Solomons temple was commissioned, built, and consecrated by the high priesthood, meaning high priests, as elders and seventies cannot head such a work. Now, he is NOT the Son of God, but he is MADE LIKE unto the Son of God. If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood . In Genesis 14, we read about how well over a thousand years before Jesus, Abraham met the Jewish king Melchizedek. The Aaronic Priesthood is an appendage to the greater, or the Melchizedek Priesthood (Doctrine and Covenants 107:14). Chart 12-5 details the points of comparison between these two priesthoods as articulated in the epistle to the Hebrews. 1. Ready to Receive the Melchizedek Priesthood? Israel operated as a theocracy, as a congregation of the Lords people, as a church. They prepare the sacramental bread and water and serve as ministering brothers. Selah (Psalms lxxxii, 2), its interpretation concerns Belial and the spirits of his lot [who] rebelled by turning away from the precepts of God to And Melchizedek will avenge the vengeance of the judgements of God and he will drag [them from the hand of] Belial and from the hand of all the sp[irits of] his [lot].And all the 'gods [of Justice'] will come to his aid [to] attend to the de[struction] of Belial. As a type of the Priesthood to follow. An Aaronic priest would have been a priest according to "the order of" Aaron (Hebrews 7:11). There has been much discussion over the years about determining the exact date of the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood under the hands of the ancient apostles Peter, James, and John. In the Old Testament, a King could never be a priest, and an Priest was never to be a King. Heb 6:19-20. 11: 16-17.) 24:9-11) He further called a prince from each tribe to form a governing council over the whole. 3:24), Aaron, who not only held Melchizedek priesthood, but served as a counselor to Moses in the First Presidency, was made the presiding high priest over the lesser or Aaronic priesthood where he was to preside with his sons forever. In biblical Christianity, the Melchizedek priesthood is an office that applies only to Christ. Thank you for this very informative article. If he was a man, I would think it might be Shem. The office of a deacon in the Mormon Church is the first office of the Aaronic Priesthood. This canonized publication remains the baseline against which latter alterations are compared. He must act in concert with a priest and prophet at his side, a triumvirate foreshadowing the Lords coming to fill all of these offices. In truth will turn away from Belial by the judgement of God, as it is written concerning him, [who says to Zion]; your ELOHIM reigns. A major activity program for Aaronic Priesthood boys in many areas of the world is scouting. As to other witnesses to Melchizedek priesthood activity in Old Covenant times we might cite: Davids wives were given to him by the prophet Nathan in an eternal marriage covenant (D&C 132: 38-39), that David offered sacrifices as on Araunahs threshing floor which he did by virtue of Melchizedek Priesthood. From these and numerous other passages we learn that it was by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood that the Nephites administered from the time they left Jerusalem until the time of the coming of Jesus Christ. He does not teach slaughtering the Passover Lamb and putting the blood on the door post for Passover but everything else you shared he does teach. These things are indeed presages of the restoration of all things. A totality of keys was bestowed upon each individual called to this Council and exercised in their fulness by the senior apostle who is always the presiding officer or prophet. . The Priesthoods in the Church follow a sort of hierarchy. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that All the prophets had Melchizedek priesthood. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 181) As D&C 84:17 explains, Melchizedek priesthood is the presiding authority which continueth in the church of God in all generations. There can be no church organization or full administration without it. To preach on the Melchizedek priesthood seemed thoroughly strange to him. The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God. Although the word priesthood is not found in the four Gospels, sufficient biblical references reveal that the priesthood, in some form or another, was active during the New Testament period. He is the King of Righteousness. This power and authority is called priesthood. John W. Welch, The Melchizedek Material in Alma 13:13-19, in By Study and Also By Faith, ed. The king of the Lords inheritance can only be Melchizedek priesthood bearing. So, Melchizedec was thus chosen by God to be a type of Jesus, who should come. Aaron and his priests had to know from where they came and went. The order of Aaron was a division of priesthood in which the priests offered the blood sacrifices of animals to God, while the order of Melchizedek is a division of priesthood in which the sacrifice of bread and wine is offered. (Num. We are "called by this holy calling," Alma taught, "and ordained unto the high priesthood of the holy order of God.". There was no Aaronic Priesthood utilized in the Book of Mormon (there were no Levites). ` (Heb. I believe He is carrying the true lineage of whom God chose to be High Priest instead of the falsely created priesthood during the days of Jesus. As a priesthood holder serves in the Aaronic Priesthood, he prepares to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, to receive the blessings of the temple, to serve a full-time mission, to be a loving husband and father, and to continue in lifelong service to the Lord. Jesus went into heaven, " having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek" (6:20). The Aaronic priesthood and the "order of Melchizedek" The author of Hebrews has misconstrued Psalm 110 as a reference to Jesus. What is/was the Priesthood of Melchizedek? Thank you Rico and Wisdom in Torah Family for the opportunity to participate in virtual teachings supported by validated resources. The Aaronic priesthood was based upon genealogy! 5 questions of other family members cousins, aunts uncle etc. For example, the lesser priesthood was conferred only upon men of the tribe of Levi. However, within the tribe, only Aaron and his sons could hold the office . It holds the right of presidency, and has power and authority over all the offices in the church (Doctrine and Covenants 107:8). He lived; and he died. What's interesting is that Peter uses this very passage to show that Jesus is in Heaven in Acts Act 2:32 This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. Hugh DeLong . Zion is , those who uphold the Covenant, who turn from walking [in] the way of the people. So John was a Levite, but more than that -- He was chosen as in the eyes of God in my opinion the Last High Priest of the Aaronic Priesthood. Melchizedek vs Aaronic Priesthood Don't Forget to Share! Similarly, in my research, i have found at least three of the tokens given in the temple today were presaged by rituals in the ancient temple, but not the same. Melchizedek Priesthood ,, The greater of the two levels or orders of priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the time of Abraham, animal sacrifices were offered to God according to the tradition of Abels sacrifice. why was there still need for another priest to comeone in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron? In Hebrews 7:1-3 we see five qualities of Melchizedek's priesthood . Instead, Israel was given the lesser portion known as the Aaronic Priesthood. With Moses being unable to officiate to the entire Israelite congregation, and with the Lord deciding that the population at large wasn't prepared for the responsibilities of the Melchizedek Priesthood, a subset of those responsibilities was given to Aaron and his posterity. This was a fragment found at the Dead Sea called 21Q13, also termed the Melchizedek text 11QMelch II And concerning that which He said, In [this] year of Jubilee [each of you shall return to his property (Lev. This priesthood was taken from Israel as a whole during the time of Moses. It was after his death and resurrection that Jesus was " designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek" (5:10 ESV). This is the day of [Peace/Salvation] concerning which [God] spoke [through Isa]iah the prophet, who said, [How] beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who proclaims peace, who brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion: Your ELOHIM [reigns] (Isa. November 17, 2008 in Learn about the Mormon Church. 3.The Aaronic Priesthood, including the Levitical Priesthood, was instituted under the Law of Moses at the time when Israel rejected the greater powers, blessings, and responsibilities of the Melchizedek Priesthood. In a curious incident in the life of Abraham, a priest-king by the name of Melchizedek is introduced: Moses in his day was the prophet, seer, and revelator; Aaron was the presiding bishop; the twelve princes of Israel, one heading each of the tribes, held an equivalent status to that of the Twelve whom Jesus chose; and the seventy elders, who with Moses and Aaron saw the Lord, were what we would call the First Quorum of Seventy. Some sense, makes the Aaronic Priesthood Don & # x27 ; t Forget share. Priesthoods redundant [ in ] the way of the two levels or orders of Priesthood the. ) 3, within the tribe of Levi of Father, Son and. 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